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Why Bird’s Nest is the true natural superfood for everyone?

Why Bird’s Nest is the true natural superfood for everyone?

You may often hear these from the old adults “Bird’s Nest is good for your health” “Bird’s Nest has a lot of nutrition” and so on. Meanwhile, your reaction would be “What’s really good about Bird’s Nest?” “Bird’s Nest doesn’t cost cheap eh”. 

Well, you are on the right page! Generally speaking, Edible Bird’s Nest (EBN) helps to

  • Boost the body’s immune system

  • Improve brain function development & enhance memory  

  • Improve the function of the lungs and kidneys

  • Increase cell tissues' repair and promote cell regeneration 

Need more explanation on that? Keep reading and you will discover the goodness of consuming this natural superfood, EBN for multiple groups of people. 


  • Improve blood circulation and get rid of toxin

  • Restore collagen, maintain youthfulness and enhance skin complexion, that commonly called as “Anti-aging effect” 


  • Improve blood supply and blood flow

  • Strengthen the immune system for stronger health

  • Provide extra nutrients for both mother and baby

  • Promote healthy growth to the fetus by stimulating cell growth

Notes: It is recommended that mothers consume bird’s nest only after the first three months of pregnancy for the embryo to grow properly. Consult with a doctor for consumption advice.

Mother who gave birth

  • Restore nutrients and energy loss from pre and post laboring 

  • Help mothers recover smooth skin and relieve stretch marks

  • Strengthen immune system and body health 

Notes: It is recommended that mothers consume bird’s nest only after the first three months of pregnancy for the embryo to grow properly. Consult with a doctor for consumption advice.

 4 months old above Baby / Children / Young Adults 

  • Facilitate brain development and intelligence

  • Improve cognition performance (learning, thinking, creativity, etc…) 

Notes: It is recommended that mothers consume bird’s nest only after the first three months of pregnancy for the embryo to grow properly. Consult with a doctor for consumption advice.

Smokers / Long Covid Symptoms

  • Relieves respiratory illnesses

  • Strengthen the function of the lungs and kidneys

  • Relieve respiratory ailments such as asthma or chronic coughs

Elderly / Seniors

  • Stimulate appetite, improve digestion and stimulate bowel movement

  • Improve memory and thinking skills - delaying brain dysfunction

  • Clear phlegm, ease chronic dry coughs and relieve fatigue - common complaints as we get older

Patients / After Surgery

  • Skin and tissue repair

  • Speed up recovery from chronic illnesses from undergoing kind of therapies  or surgery 

Notes: It is recommended that mothers consume bird’s nest only after the first three months of pregnancy for the embryo to grow properly. Consult with a doctor for consumption advice.


“Bioactive Components and Pharmacological Properties of Edible Bird's Nest” (2018) by Sue Siang Teh and Zheng Feei Ma

“A Comprehensive Review of Edible Bird Nests and Swiftlet Farming” (2015) by Lee Suan Chua and Siti Najihah Zukefli

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